The highlight of every timber frame creation...the raising of the structure on site!

The significant number of mostly large and heavy components for an entire Oak framed house requires that ample space around the building site is available, so that parts can be spread out prior to the arrival of a mobile crane. This ensures that timbers are accessible and ready to be craned into position without delay.

Large frame sections can be assembled on the ground and then lifted and guided into place with the help of a mobile crane, thus saving valuable time on site.

The result is a clean timber structure which over time will mellow to a golden honey colour internally and turn silver grey, where left exposed to the weather.

The significant number of mostly large and heavy components for an entire Oak framed house requires that ample space around the building site is available, so that parts can be spread out prior to the arrival of a mobile crane. This ensures that timbers are accessible and ready to be craned into position without delay.